Flowering Rush
Found throughout the northern United States and is present in the FL-PRISM. Invasive Rank Fact Sheet

Yellow Floating Heart
Yellow floating heart is an herbaceous perennial that has stout, branching stems. The heart-shaped, almost circular, leaves are usually oppositely arranged and frequently purplish underneath. Bright yellow flowers have five petals and distinctively fringed edges. It spreads both vegetatively and by seeds.

Variable-leaf Watermilfoil
Variable-leaf watermilfoil is a submerged perennial that looks like many native plants, including native milfoil species. It has 4-6 feathery leaves whorled around the stem, but some leaves can be alternating. Leaves are divided into 7-14 pairs of leaflets. Dense leaf arrangement gives this plant a bottle brush appearance. Stems are thick and reddish-brown. In mid to late summer, blade-like, serrated leaves with small, reddish pink flowers form an erect spike that emerges from the water.

European Frog-bit
European frog-bit is a free-floating annual. The leaves are leathery and round with undersides that may be dark purple. White flowers with yellow centers bloom in the summer. The leaf stem of European frog-bit lacks a midline groove which distinguishes it from its native look-alike American frog-bit, Limnobium spongia.

Water Chestnut
Water chestnut is a fast-growing, floating annual that can grow to 16 feet. The most distinctive trait of this plant is its thorny nutlets.

Brittle Naiad (water nymph)
Brittle naiad is an herbaceous annual that grows in dense clusters. Its leaves have visible serrations and are long, pointed, and oppositely arranged on highly branched stems. The plant can reproduce from stem fragments or from small seeds which grow along its stem.

Brazilian Elodea (waterweed) – NOT YET IN REGION
Brazilian elodea is a submerged perennial that looks similar to American waterweed (Elodea canadensis), a common native aquatic plant. Brazilian elodea has finely toothed leaves that are bright green, bushy, and usually arranged in whorls of four around the stem. The plant has round stems that can grow in water up to 20 feet deep and often branches near the surface. It reproduces via plant fragmentation.

Hydrilla is a submerged perennial that looks similar to American waterweed (Elodea canadensis), a common native aquatic plant.

Fanwort is a submerged perennial with fan-like leaves that are branched and attached to the stem on petioles, appearing whorled. Flowers are small, white, and emergent in late summer. Reproduction can occur by seed or fragmentation.

Eurasian Watermilfoil
Eurasian watermilfoil is a submerged perennial that looks like many native aquatic plants, including native milfoil species.