Volunteers Community Partners
By May 18, 2023 1 Comments Read More →

New York Invasive Species Awareness Week! (June 5th-June11th)

Invasive species are our specialty, so we have a few events going on to help you celebrate this year’s NY Invasive Species Awareness Week! Taking place from Monday, June 5th to Sunday, June 11th, this is the perfect opportunity to get outside and look at invasive species threatening ecosystems in the Finger Lakes region.  Whether you want to be on the trail or on the water, we’ve got something for you. Check out what we’ve got going on near you, and register now!

Monday, June 5

  1. Help Plant a Native Pollinator Garden!Cancelled

Want to get your hands dirty? Join the FL PRISM as we create a native pollinator garden at our office on Hobart and William Smith Colleges campus. Work with our field team to clear away invasive species and sow native pollinator plants from local businesses, as we work to improve our world one garden at a time.

Time: 12:00 – 2:00pm

Address: Finger Lakes Institute, 601 S Main Street, Geneva, NY

Event Contact: gallo@hws.edu

Registration: Email gallo@hws.edu if you would like to attend


  1. Macrophyte Survey Program Training

We are actively looking for volunteers to join the FL PRISM Macrophyte Survey Program in 2023! Join the prevention effort against aquatic invasive species and help protect our regional waters. Without your help these invaders might go undetected, and early detection allows for rapid response of high priority invasive species that could cause significant damage to native ecosystems. In this volunteer-based community science program, you’ll learn about aquatic plant communities from conservation professionals with the opportunity to take a closer look at what plants are growing beneath the surface of your local water body. FL PRISM provides the tools and training to participate in the survey, with flexible sampling schedules all season long!

Time: 6:00 – 7:00pm

Address: Zoom

Event Contact: aslentz@hws.edu

Registration: https://forms.gle/TmyVKJVc1UKjfk9D6


Tuesday, June 6

  1. Native Pollinator-Plant Interactions: Designing Landscapes + Corridors to Support Regional Biodiversity—Cancelled

Join us for a presentation by Founder and Principal of Landscape Interactions Evan Abramson, leading us through a discussion and discovery about the key role that biodiversity plays in solving the climate crisis. The team at Landscape Interactions specializes in designing landscapes and planning corridors that build biodiversity and strengthen ecological resilience to a changing climate at the ecosystems level. (www.landscapeinteractions.com)

Time: 12:00 – 1:00pm

Address: Zoom

Registration: https://hws.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcocOGrpzkiGNaUgssLhlqYlxXUV_tt37Ij#/registration

  1. Learn Invasive Species by Becoming a Trail Master!

We are actively looking for volunteers to join the FL PRISM Trail Survey for 2023! Similar to our Macrophyte Survey, you can join the effort to fight our terrestrial invasive species by becoming a “Trail Master”. This hour long training will teach you how to identify common invasive plant species. As a Trail Master, you will then go out and survey a trail of your choosing for these species once a month. Help us find invasive species before they get out of control, be more active this summer, and help your environment.

Time: 6:00 – 7:00pm

Address: Zoom

Event Contact: gallo@hws.edu

Registration: https://hws.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJclce6rrjoiHNGOeFhd-PIAyTeh2VgZE-zJ


Wednesday, June 7

  1. MARSH! (Montezuma Alliance to Restore Species and Habitats)

Join us as we map invasive species in uplands on the Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge. We will meet at 9:00 at the Montezuma Audubon Center to review the mapping protocol and plant identification then carpool to the monitoring site on the Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge. We will work until about 12:30 and then the Friends of the Montezuma Wetlands Complex will provide  lunch. Everyone is welcome. Mapping and plant identification experience are not necessary. New participants will work with experienced surveyors.

Time: 9:00am – 1:30pm

Address: Montezuma Audubon Center, 2295 NY-89, Savannah, NY 13146

Registration: Please sign up by noon the day before the work day by calling 315-568-5987 or emailing cassidy_attanasio@fws.gov.


  1. Invasive plant removal at High Acres Nature Area

Removal of Callery Pear and Autumn Olive and potentially water lilies in the main pond along the trails at High Acres Nature Area. Volunteers are needed to cut and saw down these invasive bushes. Clippers, Saws, gloves will be provided, but feel free to bring your own tools such as clippers, saws, and your own gloves. If you would like to remove water lilies it is recommended to bring your own hip or chest waders.

Time: 1:00 – 4:00pm

Address: High Acres Nature Area 31F parking lot

Registration: https://forms.gle/HjqhyCcC3NyMFSjU9


  1. Mystery Snail Removal on Melody Lake—Cancelled

On Wednesday, June 7th, at 1 PM, join the Melody Lake Association, the NYSDEC Region 7 Sustainability Committee, Cortland County Soil and Water and several of our association members to attempt to manually remove as many of these snails as possible!

Time: 1:00 – 3:00pm

Address: 1366 Melody Lane, Willet, NY

Registration: Email rcrosati@frontiernet.net to register


  1. Get a Hand on Invasive Species

Join us at the Indian Fort Nature Preserve to learn how to identify and remove a variety of invasive species such as multiflora rose, honeysuckle, and slender false brome using hand tools.

Time: 5:30 – 7:30pm

Address: Indian Fort Nature Preserve, 3432 Jones Bridge Road, Geneseo, NY 14454 Event Contact: Molly Cassatt, Stewardship Director Genesee Valley Conservancy steward@geneseevalleyconservancy.org

Registration: RSVP to Kevin at landsteward@geneseevalleyconservancy.org


  1. Landscaping with Native Plants

Ever wonder why you have a plant in your yard you just can’t seem to get rid of? It’s likely it’s an invasive species! From pythons to zebra mussels, invasive species are of the greatest environmental, economic, and human health threats we face today. Matt Gallo, Terrestrial Invasive Species Coordinator for the FL PRISM will give an introduction to invasive species, history of different horticultural pathways, why non-natives can become invasive, and discuss common invasives that were introduced via horticulture and go over native plant alternatives.

Time: 6:00pm – 7:30pm

Address: Town of Victor Fire Hall Meeting Room, 34 Maple Ave, Victor, NY

Registration: https://victorfarmingtonlibrary.libcal.com/event/10715612


  1. Spotted Lanternfly: Be on the Lookout

The Spotted Lanternfly became established in parts of NYC in 2020 and has popped up in upstate locations over the last couple of years. This colorful invasive insect can become a nuisance in landscapes and is a threat to vineyards right here in the Finger Lakes. We can all do our part because early detections of this pest are critical in its management. In this session we’ll show images of this insect so it can be recognized in its different life stages which range from tan egg masses, to tiny crawling black nymphs to the adult with polka dotted outer wings and bright-orange underwings. By the end of the program, you will know it’s favorite host plants, how to easily report sightings and we’ll discuss management options.

Time: 6:00pm

Address: Zoom

Registration: https://senecalake.org/Events/

Thursday, June 8

  1. Guided Paddle Through the Unique Plant Community at the North End of Cayuga Lake

Come learn about the unique plant community at the northern end of Cayuga Lake! During the paddle we will identify and record any species observed, discuss the underwater biodiversity of Cayuga Lake, and how invasive species impact Cayuga Lake’s biodiversity among other things such as the economy, human health, and an array of recreational activities.  We will provide all the essential equipment such as kayak or canoe, paddles, and a lifejacket and ask you bring an eagerness to learn about Cayuga Lake, its plant community, and ways to help prevent the spread of invasive species into or out of the lake! The guided paddle will be dependent on weather and lake conditions.

Time: 12:00pm – 2:00pm

Address: Cayuga Lake State Park Boat Ramp. 2678 Lower Lake Rd, Seneca Falls, NY 13148

Registration: Email neff@hws.edu to sign up.


  1. iMapInvasives App Training and Invasive Species Walk—Cancelled

iMapInvasives provides an online database and mapping system designed to enable rapid sharing and efficient management of invasive species data. Natural resource managers use iMapInvasives to track monitoring and treatment efforts and to stay informed of new invaders. This event will show participants how to use the iMapInvasives App to monitor invasive species and report their distributions to iMapInvasives. Participants will also do a short hike of the Owasco Flats Nature Reserve to identify existing invasive species and report them to the app.

Time: 10 am

Address: Owasco Flats Nature Reserve, 2799 Firelane, Moravia, NY 13118

Registration: Registration is required and class size is limited.  Please email Michele Wunderlich at mwunderlich@cayugacounty.us to register and get pre-training homework and instructions.


Saturday, June 10

  1. MARSH! (Montezuma Alliance to Restore Species and Habitats)

Join us as we map invasive species in uplands on the Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge. We will meet at 9:00 at the Montezuma Audubon Center to review the mapping protocol and plant identification then carpool to the monitoring site on the Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge. We will work until about 12:30 and then the Friends of the Montezuma Wetlands Complex will provide lunch. Everyone is welcome. Mapping and plant identification experience are not necessary. New participants will work with experienced surveyors.

Time: 9am – 1:30pm

Address: Montezuma Audubon Center, 2295 NY-89, Savannah, NY 13146

Registration: Please sign up by noon the day before the work day by calling 315-568-5987 or emailing cassidy_attanasio@fws.gov.


  1. FL PRISM at the Genesee Valley Chapter Adirondack Mountain Club Outdoor Expo

 The Outdoor Expo is a celebration of the great outdoors in our region presented by the Genesee Valley Chapter of the Adirondack Mountain Club and Monroe County Parks. Featuring over 30 demonstrations and workshops on topics including hiking, paddling, gardening, mushroom identification, birding, invasive species, and more! FL PRISM as well as other local clubs and organizations will be on-site to talk about their work, their passions, and share a wealth of wilderness knowledge. The event will host hikes on the Mendon Pond’s beautiful trails, crafts, petting zoo, live music, and so much more. This event is free, open to the public, and fun for the entire family! For the full schedule of events, visit the event website: https://adk-gvc.org/play/outdoor-expo-before

Time: 9:30 am – 3:30pm

Address: Mendon Ponds Park, Pittsford, NY

Registration: None required


  1. Spotted Lanternfly Workshop

Celebrate NYS Invasive Species Awareness Week with the CCE of Broome County and Finger Lakes PRISM at Sandy Beach Park (Binghamton, NY) on Saturday, June 10th to learn all about the invasive Spotted Lanternfly (SLF). This pest insect, native to Asia, has been slowly making its way into our area with the first stable populations in Broome County being found and monitored last summer. SLF is a generalist pest and poses a great threat to many of NY’s crop plants such as grapes, hops, and apples. During this workshop participants will learn how to identify the SLF at all life stages as well as their preferred host plants, learn how to report sightings to the state in order to more efficiently monitor their spread, and become familiar with some common management strategies. We are happy to offer this program free of charge for all community members. Any youth under 18 must be accompanied by an adult. Provided in collaboration with The City of Binghamton’s Department of Parks & Recreation.

In the event of inclement weather all registered parties will be notified via email. The planned rain-date is the following day, Sunday, June 11th.

Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm

Address: Sandy Beach Park (Conklin Ave., Binghamton NY, 13904)

Event Contact: Cam Winzinger, cmw273@cornell.edu, 607-584-5001

Register: https://pub.cce.cornell.edu/event_registration/main/events_landing.cfm?event=SLF_203


16. Life of a tree killer: Emerald ash borer impacts on ash forests 

The Emerald Ash Borer (EAB; Agrilus Planipennis), an invasive beetle from East Asia (China, Korea, Russian Far East), was first detected in Michigan, USA in 2002. Since then, it has spread across the Eastern, Midwestern, and Southern U.S., killing ash trees in its path. This interpretive hike will explore the life cycle of this invasive beetle, its impacts on Ash forests in the Eastern U.S, and possible treatments to slow the spread. We will take an easy stroll through the Renwick woods, a remnant floodplain forest adjacent to Stewart Park in Ithaca. Several guided activities suitable for both adults and children will introduce you to this small emerald green beetle, how it spreads, and its impacts on ash tree and forest health. We will also discuss strategies for managing the pest through treating trees with chemical insecticides to the searching for natural fungal parasites for biocontrol. Directions: See https://ithacatrails.org/site/Renwick%20Wildwoods. Trailhead GPS Coordinates: Latitude: 42.460993, Longitude: -76.502192

Time: 10:30 am – 12:00 pm

Address: Renwick Woods adjacent to Stewart Park, Ithaca, NY. See https://ithacatrails.org/site/Renwick%20Wildwoods. Trailhead GPS Coordinates: Latitude: 42.460993, Longitude: -76.502192

Register: Emai keb45@cornell.edu

1 Comment on "New York Invasive Species Awareness Week! (June 5th-June11th)"

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  1. Karen Mason says:

    I worked one summer with the Seneca Park Zoo in pulling water chestnut from Braddock Bay, from my kayak. Will there be an event like that in the Rochester area?

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