Common Crane Fly
Wide spread in New York State, including Monroe, Ontario, Onondaga, Seneca, and Wayne Counties.

European crane fly
Hayfields, pastures, turf grass, vegetable, and small fruit crops
First sighting:
Erie and Niagara (2004)
Larvae (leatherjackets) feed on roots of hay, pastures, turf grass, sugar beets, turnips, carrots damaging growth of the plants
Larvae also emerge to feed on stems and grass blades on damp warm nights
Damage can also occur on golf greens from birds pecking out the larvae during the spring

Swede Midge
The swede midge is a small, light brown fly. They begin to emerge in May, lasting until mid-June. The adult females lay about 100 eggs throughout their short lifetime of 1 to 4 days. The larvae hatch after 3 days, when they then begin to feed on plants.

Hemlock Woolly Adelgid
HWA is tiny, less than 1/16″ long, and is dark reddish-brown to purplish-black in color. Its name derives from a white “wool-like” covering called an ovisac on mature egg laying adults.

Emerald Ash Borer
Emerald ash borer has a golden-green body with dark, metallic green wings and a purplish-red abdomen. Adult beetles average 3/8″ to 3/4″ long and 1/6″ wide. EAB emerges in late spring, flying from June to August.

Asian Longhorned Beetle – NOT YET IN REGION
ALB has a glossy black body with white spots on top of the wings. Adults are 3/4″ to 1″ long. Antennae are roughly 2 times the body length with distinctive black and white bands. The legs and antennae have a bluish tinge. Adults are present from July to October.

Sirex (European) Woodwasp
Woodwasps (or horntails) are large, full-bodied insects about 1-1 1/2″ long. Adult females have dark metallic blue or black bodies with orange legs. The male’s head and thorax are metallic blue, and the abdomen is orange at the center and black at the base. Adults emerge from July to September.

Balsam Woolly Adelgid- NOT YET IN REGION
Adults are tiny, about 1 mm long, and appear dark purple to black in color. They produce a thick layer of a light colored, waxy, wool-like material that covers their body.