
*** HIRING *** All of our aquatic SUMMER POSITIONS have been posted on the HWS Summer Opportunities page linked below. Positions available to suit a number of different interests, skills, career paths, locations, etc. – Entry level AND management positions. – We offer paid training for all positions. – Positions assignments begin mid-late May with […]

Announcing Request for Bids: Hydrilla Control
Request for Bids: Aquatic herbicide control of Hydrilla verticillata in Finger Lakes and Great Lakes Region Request for Bid (RFB) Aquatic herbicide control of Hydrilla verticillata in Finger Lakes and Great Lakes Region Release Date: Monday, February 4, 2022 Due date and time: Friday, March 4, 2022 at 5:00 PM Download here: RFB 2022 – […]

Finger Lakes PRISM Strategic Plan – Implementation Table
As part of the Finger Lakes PRISM strategic plan, we have developed a table to visualize our goals as an organization. Attached below, you can read about the PRISM’s goals for prevention of invasive species, and our roadmap to meeting those goals in the coming years. Finger Lakes PRISM Strategic Plan FINAL 6-24-21 24

Finger Lakes Prism Full Partner Meeting – Fall 2019
Our Fall Partners Meeting was a success. Thanks to everyone who attended. The presentations are included in this post.

The Hunt for Hydrilla Continues
Our survey efforts in 2019 are focused on the boat movement pathway of invasion. Specifically, we are surveying areas around boat launches and marinas. We started out collecting macrophyte data every 100 meters anywhere the water depth was 25 feet or shallower, within 1 mile of a launch/marina. Once Hydrilla was detected in late August, […]

Spotted Lanternfly on the Move
Spotted lanternfly are on the move, looking for places to lay their eggs. Keep an eye out for this threat and report any sightings as soon as possible.

Improving Ecosystems with Aquatic Plants
Wetland restoration is critical for improving ecosystem services, but many aquatic plant nurseries do not have facilities similar to those typically used for large-scale plant production.

A Guide to Nonnative Invasive Plants Inventoried in the North by Forest Inventory and Analysis
A Guide to Nonnative Invasive Plants Inventoried in the North by Forest Inventory and Analysis Cassandra Olson Anita F. Cholewa Available here as a pdf download: USDA_USFS_Guidetononnativeplants

Aquatic Invasive Species Early Detection
Know-Observe-Report Know the high priority invasives If you observe these in a waterbody, mark the location and take a photo Report the observation to Help us detect the region’s most dangerous invasives before it is too late! Aquatic Invasive Species Early Detection Card: Early Detection card