Japanese Barberry
The Japanese barberry is a dense, woody shrub with spine-bearing branches growing up to about three feet in height. The plant flowers in May and produces red oblong berries that persist into the winter. In the fall, the leaves of the plant turn red and orange.

Wild Chervil
Wild chervil is a weed with fern-like leaves, growing up to about three to four feet. Around late May and early June, the weed produces five-petaled, white flowers in clusters at the top of the stem.

Flowering Rush
Found throughout the northern United States and is present in the FL-PRISM. Invasive Rank Fact Sheet

Mile-A-Minute – NEW TO REGION!
Mile-a-minute is an herbaceous, annual, trailing vine that can reach lengths of six meters or more. Its stems are covered with barbs which are also present on the underside of the leaf blades. The light green-colored leaves are triangle-shaped and alternate along the stem. Iridescent blue berry-like fruits are produced beginning in mid-summer and continuing until the plants are killed by frost in the fall. The seeds within these fruits can remain viable in the soil for up to six years.

Kudzu is a climbing, woody, perennial vine that has the potential to reach up to 100 feet in height. Alternately arranged leaves are compound with three leaflets. The yellow-green to grey vine may reach a thickness of 10 inches or more in diameter. Kudzu has purple, highly fragrant flowers that are borne in long hanging clusters. Brown, hairy, flattened seed pods are produced from September to January.

Japanese Stiltgrass
Japanese stiltgrass is an annual grass that sprawls along the ground as it grows. The leaves are pale green, narrow, and lance-shaped with a distinctive silvery stripe of hairs along the midrib. Tiny flowers are produced on slender stalks in late summer.

Yellow Iris
Yellow iris is an herbaceous perennial that can grow between 3-4 feet. The broad, lance shaped leaves are stiff and erect. The yellow, showy flowers bloom from April to June.

Wild Parsnip
Wild parsnip is a biennial herb that grows to 2-5 feet. Alternate, compound, branched leaves have serrated edges. First year rosettes have pinnately compound leaves. Adult plants bloom June through August with small, five-petaled, yellow flowers arranged in a flat-topped, broad umbel 2-6 inches.

Black and pale swallow-worts are herbaceous, perennial, twining vines. Leaves are opposite and glossy. Small maroon to pale pink flowers are present in late May through late July. Seed pods are smooth, slender, and pointed and are abundant in late summer. Pods split open, releasing innumerable downy seeds that are easily carried miles by wind.

Purple Loosestrife
Purple loosestrife is an erect, herbaceous perennial that grows 3-7 feet. It is easily identified by its showy, magenta flowers from July to September. Linear shaped leaves grow oppositely along square stems. This aggressive plant spreads both vegetatively and by abundant seed dispersal.