Request for Bid
Request for Bid (full package RFB_Facilitation_FingerLakesPRISM)
Facilitation of the Finger Lakes PRISM 5-year strategic plan
Finger Lakes Partnership for Regional Invasive Species Management (FL-PRISM) Subcontract
Deadline for receipt of Proposals: 02/21/20
Background and Purpose
The Finger Lakes Partnership for Regional Invasive Species Management (Finger Lakes-PRISM) is a network of partners in 17 counties in the Finger Lakes region of New York that brings together the resources of a diverse range of organizations to prevent, detect, control, and manage invasive species. The cost to control invasive species within the United States is estimated at $137 billion annually (Pimentel et al. 2005). The Finger Lakes-PRISM therefore seeks to share and leverage limited resources within the partnership while building a highly visible program that fosters community awareness and participation in invasive species issues/management and prevention.
The Finger Lakes PRISM, one of eight Partnerships for Regional Invasive Species Management (PRISMs) in New York State (NYS), is funded through the Environmental Protection Fund via contract with the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC). The Finger Lakes PRISM is hosted by Hobart and William Smith Colleges (HWS) administered by the NYSDEC and is in its second, five-year contract.
Through this RFB, HWS offers a subcontract opportunity to facilitate the update of the Finger Lakes PRISM 5-year strategic plan. Subcontract awards are subject to final review and approval by NYS DEC Invasive Species Coordination Unit and HWS.
Statement of Need
The Finger Lakes PRISM five-year strategic plan (2016-2021) including the vision and mission was developed with input by the Finger Lakes PRISM Steering Committee in 2015. While many of the strategic plan goals, objectives, and strategies remain the same, there is a need to update the plan and operational guidelines of the Finger Lakes PRISM. Thus, we seek a facilitator to lead strategic planning workshops and help review and update the strategic plan goals, objectives, and strategies of the Finger Lakes PRISM; the vision and mission of the organization will also be revisited.
Contact Information
Any questions regarding this Request for Proposals should be directed to the Finger Lakes PRISM Coordinator: Hilary R. Mosher,, 315-781-4385
Strategic Plan Program Objectives
The Finger Lakes PRISM is requesting proposals to update the Finger Lakes PRISM 5-year strategic plan (Finger Lakes PRISM Strategic Plan) taking into consideration the accomplishments of the first five years and with an understanding of the direction for the next five years.
Utilizing input and feedback from Finger Lakes PRISM Coordinator, steering committee, and partners, the facilitator will develop a strategic plan to be adopted by the Finger Lakes PRISM and submitted to NYSDEC. The strategic plan will include the following sections:
- Introduction
- Vision and goals
- Objectives for the PRISM
- Strategies for implementation
- Prioritized objectives
- Evaluation
- PRISM outputs and outcomes
- Operational guidelines and bylaws
2016-2020 Finger Lakes PRISM Vision
The FL-PRISM is recognized as the primary organization for IS detection, prevention, control, and education and outreach within the 17-county region of the Finger Lakes. The FL-PRISM will work collaboratively with its partners and the public to provide education and mitigate the impacts of IS within our region.
2016-2020 Finger Lakes PRISM Mission
The mission of the FL-PRISM is to reduce the introduction, spread, and impact of IS within the Finger Lakes PRISM region through coordinated education, detection, prevention, and control measures (adopted by the SC, June 2014).
Minimum Requirements
Work with existing group of individuals representing diverse organizations within the Finger Lakes PRISM network to facilitate the development of a Comprehensive 5-year Strategic Plan including timeline, logistics, and deliverables.
Utilize the existing NYSDEC framework for strategic planning
Facilitate steering committee and working group strategic development sessions and round tables for participants in strategic locations in the Finger Lakes PRISM region and document the results of these sessions. Develop final documents based on the results of these sessions.
Deliverables should include the following:
- All materials needed to successfully conduct all strategic planning sessions with steering committee and working groups as well as obtain stakeholder input
- A report with the results of the stakeholder engagement
- The strategic plan document
Recipient of funding must present the results of the project at a Finger Lakes PRISM event such as a working group meeting or full partner meeting. Organizational capacity will be evaluated prior to issuance of subcontracts. Exceptions cannot be made to this requirement. Service-Disabled-Veteran-Owned-Businesses and Minority-Women-Business-Enterprises are encouraged to apply.
This project will should begin 03/15/20 and be completed no later than 9/30/20.