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By May 29, 2020 0 Comments Read More →

NYISAW Lineup is here!

Activities Set for New York’s Seventh Annual Invasive Species Awareness Week, June 7-13th

The theme this year is “2020 Vision: Focus on Invasive Species” and we have a great lineup of events!


GENEVA, NY – This year marks the seventh Invasive Species Awareness Week in New York. Some of the greatest harm to our natural and agricultural systems is caused by invasive plants and animals—organisms that have been accidentally or intentionally introduced to new areas and spread uncontrollably. New York Invasive Species Awareness Week promotes opportunities for citizens to learn about the most threatening species and ways to prevent and manage their spread. Everyone is encouraged to participate in Awareness Week activities to learn about important steps to take to protect their favorite places. Most invasive species reproduce in high numbers, lack predators, and are highly adapted to their new environment. Invasive plants and animals put New York’s agricultural lands, natural resources, and people at risk. The emerald ash borer and Asian long-horned beetle kill our important trees; noxious plants, such as giant hogweed, and disease organisms, such as West Nile virus, affect human health; and Japanese stilt grass, swallowwort, phragmites and Hydrilla are invasive plants capable of changing New York’s forests, meadows, wetlands and lakes.


Many organizations are working together throughout the state to slow the spread of invasive species. Citizens can help by: 1) taking measures to prevent the transport of unwanted “hitchhiking” plants and animals, 2) learning about which invasive species are of local concern (finerlakesinvasives.org), 3) reporting sightings to http //www.nyimapinvasives.org/report-an-invasive.


The line-up of events in the Finger Lakes region includes activities such as an invasive species trail walk, invasive species removal and water chestnut pulls. The full schedule of events is online at https://stoptheinvasionny.com/ and fingerlakesinvasives.org. Most events are free, but pre-registration may be requested.


New York Invasive Species Awareness Week is coordinated by the New York Invasive Species Advisory Committee, New York Invasive Species Council and NY’s Partnerships for Regional Invasive Species Management. The Finger Lakes PRISM, hosted by the Finger Lakes Institute at Hobart and William Smith Colleges is one of eight Partnerships for Regional Invasive Species Management (PRISM) in the state sponsoring Awareness Week activities. For further information about the Finger Lakes PRISM, visit fingerlakesinvasives.org.



Invasive Species Awareness Week:


Sunday, June 7th

  1. Ithaca’s Backyard Invasives

Description: Help the town of Ithaca Conservation Board locate invasive species in the Ithaca area! Using iNaturalist or iMapInvasives, participants can join in the effort to locate invasive species in their backyard. The focus will be on the target terrestrial invasive species identified on the Town of Ithaca Conservation Board Facebook Page:  https://www.facebook.com/IthacaConservationBoard/

The target species will change daily. We’d love to see what you’ve found and celebrate your discoveries, so please also submit photos to our Facebook page by June 13th to be featured in our ISAW summary Facebook post.


  1. VIRTUAL Invasive Species Week at the Seneca Park Zoo

Description: Online, the Seneca Park Zoo will be highlighting some local invasive species all week. Learn how you can help in the fight against invasive species. Take action by using iMapInvasives.  Videos and projects will be posted about local invasive species and even about a couple of zoo animals! Check us out on social media too!

      Register here:  https://senecaparkzoo.org/event/invasive-species-week-2020/


Monday, June 8th


  1. ‘Coming to a Trail Near You! How to Survey for Terrestrial Invasive Species on Trails Webinar

Description: Are you interested in learning how to Identify, survey and report terrestrial invasive species? Participate in this survey program and become an Invasive Species Warrior!  Join the staff of the Finger Lakes Institute and Finger Lakes PRISM at Hobart and William Smith Colleges to learn more!

Join the webinar here: https://hws.zoom.us/j/445567687 Time: 12:00pm-1:00pm



  1. Ithaca’s Backyard Invasives

Description: Help the town of Ithaca Conservation Board locate invasive species in the Ithaca area! Using iNaturalist or iMapInvasives, participants can join in the effort to locate invasive species in their backyard. The focus will be on the target terrestrial invasive species identified on the Town of Ithaca Conservation Board Facebook Page:  https://www.facebook.com/IthacaConservationBoard/

The target species will change daily. We’d love to see what you’ve found and celebrate your discoveries, so please also submit photos to our Facebook page by June 13th to be featured in our ISAW summary Facebook post.


  1. VIRTUAL Invasive Species Week at the Seneca Park Zoo

Description: Online, the Seneca Park Zoo will be highlighting some local invasive species all week. Learn how you can help in the fight against invasive species. Take action by using iMapInvasives.  Videos and projects will be posted about local invasive species and even about a couple of zoo animals! Check us out on social media too!

       Register here: https://senecaparkzoo.org/event/invasive-species-week-2020/


Tuesday, June 9th

  1. Starry Stonewort Collaborative Webinar

Description: Michelle Nault, Lakes and Reservoir Ecologist, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, will describe several efforts applying control measures on lakes in Wisconsin.

Register in advance at:  https://hws.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwrd-CprjMvHtbTqdQZcpaj41eRFkyIa5oY

Time: 10:00am-12:00pm


  1. Ithaca’s Backyard Invasives

Description: Help the town of Ithaca Conservation Board locate invasive species in the Ithaca area! Using iNaturalist or iMapInvasives, participants can join in the effort to locate invasive species in their backyard. The focus will be on the target terrestrial invasive species identified on the Town of Ithaca Conservation Board Facebook Page:  https://www.facebook.com/IthacaConservationBoard/

The target species will change daily. We’d love to see what you’ve found and celebrate your discoveries, so please also submit photos to our Facebook page by June 13th to be featured in our ISAW summary Facebook post.


  1. VIRTUAL Invasive Species Week at the Seneca Park Zoo

Description: Online, the Seneca Park Zoo will be highlighting some local invasive species all week. Learn how you can help in the fight against invasive species. Take action by using iMapInvasives.  Videos and projects will be posted about local invasive species and even about a couple of zoo animals! Check us out on social media too!

       Register here: https://senecaparkzoo.org/event/invasive-species-week-2020/



Wednesday, June 10th

  1. ‘Diving Deep! – Aquatic Invasive Species Survey Training’ Webinar   

Description: Are you interested in learning how to Identify, survey and report aquatic invasive species? Participate in this survey program and become an Invasive Species Warrior!  Join the staff of the Finger Lakes Institute and Finger Lakes PRISM at Hobart and William Smith Colleges to learn more!

Join the webinar here:   https://hws.zoom.us/j/250382424 Time: 12:00pm-1:00pm


  1. Invasive Mussels in the Finger Lakes Webinar

Description: Dr. Kim Schultz from SUNY ESF will speak about her research on invasive mussels in the Finger Lakes, including their potential impacts on water quality and HAB’s.

Register for webinar here: https://cornell.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_9ECffup3RlC1T3zUjdnuTw

Time: 10:00am-11:00am



  1. Invasive Species VIRTUAL Tour Talk

Description: Learn about invasive species and what you can do to help! Tour guided by Jeremy Brady, Stewardship Specialist, Genesee Region of NYS Parks. Program will include an interactive demonstration of invasive species reporting using iMapInvasives.

Join the webinar here: https://zoom.us/j/91538382508?pwd=a092bi9hMG42MHFjLzBhT1psUDRKUT09  Time: 5:30pm-7:30pm


  1. Ithaca’s Backyard Invasives

Description: Help the town of Ithaca Conservation Board locate invasive species in the Ithaca area! Using iNaturalist or iMapInvasives, participants can join in the effort to locate invasive species in their backyard. The focus will be on the target terrestrial invasive species identified on the Town of Ithaca Conservation Board Facebook Page:  https://www.facebook.com/IthacaConservationBoard/

The target species will change daily. We’d love to see what you’ve found and celebrate your discoveries, so please also submit photos to our Facebook page by June 13th to be featured in our ISAW summary Facebook post.


  1. VIRTUAL Invasive Species Week at the Seneca Park Zoo

Description: Online, the Seneca Park Zoo will be highlighting some local invasive species all week. Learn how you can help in the fight against invasive species. Take action by using iMapInvasives.  Videos and projects will be posted about local invasive species and even about a couple of zoo animals! Check us out on social media too!

      Register here: https://senecaparkzoo.org/event/invasive-species-week-2020/


Thursday, June 11th


  1. Invasive Species ID and iMapInvasives Workshop Webinar

Description: Invasive species are species that are not native to a particular ecosystem and have the ability to cause significant harm to our environment, economy or human health. They affect us all and threaten our treasured waters, lands, food production, and even human health.  Join local experts from the Finger Lakes Institute and Finger Lakes PRISM at Hobart and William Smith Colleges and learn how to identify invasive plant species, and report them using the iMapInvasives mobile app.

It is suggested you download app before webinar at: https://www.nyimpapinvasives.org/mobile

       Registration required:  https://act.audubon.org/onlineactions/zszEJ0YC2kaLV0ArX0aE6w2

Fee: suggested $5 donation per person.

Time: 10:00am-11:30am  


  1. Ithaca’s Backyard Invasives

Description: Help the town of Ithaca Conservation Board locate invasive species in the Ithaca area! Using iNaturalist or iMapInvasives, participants can join in the effort to locate invasive species in their backyard. The focus will be on the target terrestrial invasive species identified on the Town of Ithaca Conservation Board Facebook Page:  https://www.facebook.com/IthacaConservationBoard/

The target species will change daily. We’d love to see what you’ve found and celebrate your discoveries, so please also submit photos to our Facebook page by June 13th to be featured in our ISAW summary Facebook post.


  1. VIRTUAL Invasive Species Week at the Seneca Park Zoo

Description: Online, the Seneca Park Zoo will be highlighting some local invasive species all week. Learn how you can help in the fight against invasive species. Take action by using iMapInvasives.  Videos and projects will be posted about local invasive species and even about a couple of zoo animals! Check us out on social media too!

      Register here: https://senecaparkzoo.org/event/invasive-species-week-2020/


Friday, June12th


  1. Ithaca’s Backyard Invasives

Description: Help the town of Ithaca Conservation Board locate invasive species in the Ithaca area! Using iNaturalist or iMapInvasives, participants can join in the effort to locate invasive species in their backyard. The focus will be on the target terrestrial invasive species identified on the Town of Ithaca Conservation Board Facebook Page:  https://www.facebook.com/IthacaConservationBoard/

The target species will change daily. We’d love to see what you’ve found and celebrate your discoveries, so please also submit photos to our Facebook page by June 13th to be featured in our ISAW summary Facebook post.


  1. VIRTUAL Invasive Species Week at the Seneca Park Zoo

Description: Online, the Seneca Park Zoo will be highlighting some local invasive species all week. Learn how you can help in the fight against invasive species. Take action by using iMapInvasives.  Videos and projects will be posted about local invasive species and even about a couple of zoo animals! Check us out on social media too!

      Register here: https://senecaparkzoo.org/event/invasive-species-week-2020/


  1. Invasive Species Identification

Description: Identification of invasive species that have an impact on our lakes, rivers and streams.  Webinar will also cover spotted lanternfly and other invasive species of concern.

Registration required: Contact Michele Wunderlich at mwunderlich@cayugacounty.us or 315-252-1107

Time: 10:30am-11:30am


Saturday, June13th


  1. Ithaca’s Backyard Invasives

Description: Help the town of Ithaca Conservation Board locate invasive species in the Ithaca area! Using iNaturalist or iMapInvasives, participants can join in the effort to locate invasive species in their backyard. The focus will be on the target terrestrial invasive species identified on the Town of Ithaca Conservation Board Facebook Page:  https://www.facebook.com/IthacaConservationBoard/

The target species will change daily. We’d love to see what you’ve found and celebrate your discoveries, so please also submit photos to our Facebook page by June 13th to be featured in our ISAW summary Facebook post.


  1. VIRTUAL Invasive Species Week at the Seneca Park Zoo

Description: Online, the Seneca Park Zoo will be highlighting some local invasive species all week. Learn how you can help in the fight against invasive species. Take action by using iMapInvasives.  Videos and projects will be posted about local invasive species and even about a couple of zoo animals! Check us out on social media too!

       Register here: https://senecaparkzoo.org/event/invasive-species-week-2020/



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