
Photo by James R. Allison, Georgia Department of Natural Resources
Common Name: Wisteria
Scientific Name: Wisteria sinesis and Wisteria floribunda
Origin: China and Japan
Wisteria is a vine with legume like fruit. They can grow up to 65 feet tall, depending on the height of the plant it is climbing. It has a diameter of 15 inches. W. sinesis twines counter-clockwise and W. floribunda twines clockwise. Leaves are pinnately compound with 13-19 leaflets ovate in shape. Flowers are 4-20 inch long racemes with 4-6 inch velvety brown seed ponds.
Wisteria inhabits well-drained soils with full sun. They are found along roadsides and forest edges.
Wisteria climbs into the canopy of trees and plants to create enough shade to impair growth of those they climbed. Wisteria will eventually girdle native plants and trees and climb and twine around other plants.
Cuttings and seeds have to be managed with care because more can grow from them. For small infestations, cut as close to the root as possible and spray with herbicide, then cut sprouts every few weeks during the growing season. The entire plant can also be taken up.
Distribution: View Map
Wisteria is found in much of US, including the FL-PRISM.