Multiflora Rose

Photo by Rob Routledge, Sault College
Common Name: Multiflora rose
Scientific Name: Rosa multiflora
Origin: Asia
The multiflora rose is a thorny, bushy shrub with clusters of white flowers that bloom in late spring. These flowers are accompanied by small, red hip fruits that remain on the plant into winter. The oval leaves are green with a toothed margin.
This invader can be found in successional fields, pastures, roadsides, and dense forests. The plant is able to grow in a variety of soil, moisture, and light conditions.
Because the multiflora is a thorny, bushy shrub, it can grow uncontrollably to form impenetrable thickets. This is especially harmful to other plant species in the area.
Successful management of this invader includes manually pulling and digging up the plant, ensuring that the roots are completely removed. Herbicides may also be effective, however, follow up treatment is often needed due to the long vitality of seeds stored in the soil.
Distribution: View Map
The multiflora rose has been found throughout the United States aside from the Rocky Mountains and the deserts of Nevada and California. It is present in the FL-PRISM.