What is FL-PRISM?
FL- PRISM is one of eight regional partnerships across New York State
Represents an integrated approach to invasive species (IS) management and signifies a long-term commitment to addressing the threat of IS across NY State. This is beneficial in that it allows sharing and leveraging of limited resources. It represents a highly-visible program that builds community awareness and participation
Hemorrhaging cost of invasive species control
Estimated damage and cost to control invasive species in the U.S. amounts to more than $137 billion annually, the majority of which is impacts to agricultural crops and forestry.
The lifeblood of the Finger Lakes region
Biological invasions effect the aesthetics of an area and create obstacle and deterrents for tourism, recreation and fishing.
Personal cost
Tourism industry, local economies, and town tax revenues associated with shoreline property values, EAB mitigation, etc. are all in jeopardy due to many biological invasions.
Combined value of dedicated citizens, municipalities, lake associations, research institutions, classroom and outreach is greater than individual efforts. SYNERGY where 1 + 1 = 3