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Photo by Kerry Britton, USDA Forest Service, Bugwood.org

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Common Name: Kudzu
Scientific Name: Pueraria lobata
Origin: Asia


Kudzu is a climbing, woody, perennial vine that has the potential to reach up to 100 feet in height. Alternately arranged leaves are compound with three leaflets. The yellow-green to grey vine may reach a thickness of 10″ or more in diameter. Kudzu has purple, highly fragrant flowers that are borne in long hanging clusters. Brown, hairy, flattened seed pods are produced from September to January.


Kudzu typically grows along field edges, roadsides, and near river corridors. It colonizes quickly through prolific growth along the ground and into tree canopies.


Touted as “the plant that took over the South,” kudzu is notorious for growing over anything in its path. It easily out-competes other native plants as it covers them and blocks out sunlight. Kudzu will also girdle and uproot trees and shrubs as it grows. In some instances, it has been reported that kudzu can grow as much as a foot per day once established.


Because of its aggressive growth and extensive root system, repeated herbicide treatments are most commonly used to control kudzu.

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This species has not yet been discovered in theĀ FL-PRISM.

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