Volunteers Community Partners


Among the 12 recommendations of the 2005 NYS Invasive Species Task Force report to the Governor and Legislature was the formation of eight Partnerships for Regional Invasive Species Management (PRISMs) to help prevent or minimize the harm caused by invasive species on New York’s environment, economy and the health and well-being of the State’s citizens. PRISMs are intended to coordinate invasive species management functions including coordinating partner efforts, recruiting and training citizen volunteers, identifying and delivering education and outreach, establishing early detection monitoring networks and implementing direct eradication and control efforts.

In 2013, the Finger Lakes Institute (FLI) at Hobart and William Smith Colleges secured funding through the NYS Environmental Protection Fund (EPF) via contract with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYS DEC) to host the Finger Lakes Partnership for Regional Invasive Species Management (FL-PRISM). The FLI having a history of coordinated research, education, and outreach programming, exemplified by the FLI Watercraft Steward program in existence since 2012, is an ideal host for the FL-PRISM. The FLI provides the capacity, expertise, and infrastructure to tackle tough IS issues across the 17 counties of the FL-PRISM. The FL-PRISM allows for sharing, supporting, and leveraging of limited resources within the partnership, while representing a highly-visible program that
builds community awareness and participation.

Activities of the FL-PRISM are shaped by its 5-year strategic plan, published in 2016, with 7 high priority goals:

  1. Prevention
  2. Coordination/Partnership
  3. Early Detection (ED)/Rapid Response (RR) Assessment
  4. Education and Outreach
  5. Information Management and Communication
  6. Invasive Species Control Measures and Restoration
  7. Legislation and Support: Federal, state, and local governments support

The FL-PRISM  has grown rapidly and continues to expand today. Explore this site to learn of our latest programs and achievements, get involved and help us #stoptheinvasion.